Caregiver Resources

These resources have been compiled based on input from subject matter experts from reliable sources. Authors and sponsors of the sites are from trustworthy organizations such as non-profits, government agencies, and educational institutions.

National & Community Help Line – 2*1*1

211 is the most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services in the country. Thousands of caring, local experts are available to help, 24/7. There are over 200 agencies across the United States that help people through calls, web chats, and text messages looking for basic needs like housing, food, transportation, and health care.

Advance Care Planning & Long-Term Planning

American Bar Association “find legal help” tool

American Bar Association - Spanish Version

Helps refer individuals to free legal services or private attorneys in their communities.

Center for Practical Bioethics

800-344-3829 (toll-free)

Provides guidance to patients, families, and clinicians grappling with hard choices. Provides information on caring conversations, advance directives, do-not-resuscitate (DNR) directives, durable power of attorney, end-of-life planning, and advance care planning.


Long-Term Care: - English Version

Online clearinghouse for information and tools to plan for your or your loved one’s long-term care needs, maintained by the federal Administration for Community Living.

LTC ombudsman

Ombudsman - English Version

Long-term care ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities.

Ombudsmen provide information about how to find a facility and what to do to get quality care. They are trained to resolve problems. If you want, the ombudsman can assist you with complaints.

However, unless you give the ombudsman permission to share your concerns, these matters are kept confidential. Under the federal Older Americans Act, every state is required to have an Ombudsman Program that addresses complaints and advocates for improvements in the long-term care system.

Long-Term Care: Options at Home and in the Community

UCSF-Long-Term Care: Options for at home and in the community

-  English Version

UCSF-Long-Term Care: Options for at home and in the community

-  Spanish Version

Overview of options to provide long-term care to family members or friends living with dementia.

National Center for Assisted Living


American Health Care Association, National Center for Assisted Living - English Version

A part of the American Health Care Association, NCAL offers consumer resources on finding assisted living facilities and related programs in your state and information on payment options.

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization

800-658-8898 (toll-free)

NHPCO: Advanced Care Planning - English Version NHPCO: Advanced Care Planning - Spanish Version

Advance care planning is making decisions about the healthcare you would want to receive if you happen to become unable to speak for yourself. Advance care planning includes: getting information on the types of life-sustaining treatments that are available, completing advance directives to put into writing what types of treatment you would or would not want.

National Institute on Aging

Advanced Care Directives - English Version Advanced Care Directives - Spanish Version

Advanced care planning involves learning about the types of decisions that might need to be made, considering those decisions ahead of time, and then letting others know—both your family and your healthcare providers—about your preferences. These preferences are often put into an advance directive, a legal document that goes into effect only if you are incapacitated and unable to speak for yourself.

National POLST Paradigm


National - English Version

POLST forms are portable medical orders or medical orders that travel with the patient (your state may call it something other than POLST). All adults should have an advance directive to help identify a surrogate decision maker and provide information about what

treatments they want for an unknown medical emergency. A POLST form is for when you become seriously ill or frail and toward the end of life. A POLST form gives medical orders to emergency personnel based on your current medical situation. POLST forms and advance directives are both advance care plans but they are not the same.

Next Step in Care

Next Step in Care - English Version

For Family Caregivers - Spanish Version

Next Step in Care provides easy-to-use guides and videos to help family caregivers and healthcare providers work closely together to plan and implement safe and smooth transitions for chronically or seriously ill patients. Transitions are moves between care settings, for example, hospital to home or rehab facility, or the start or end of home care agency services.

Nursing Home Compare

Compare Nursing Homes-English Version Compare Nursing Homes-Spanish Version

Searchable database with information on every Medicare- and Medicaid-certified nursing home in the country. - English Version - Spanish Version

Health Resources & Services Administration

Prepare for your care

Prepare for your care - English Version Prepare for your care - Spanish Version

Guides patients through the process of completing an advance healthcare directive. Available for all states and in multiple languages.

Veterans Affairs: Geriatrics and Extended Care Geriatrics and Extended care - English Version Department of Veterans Affairs guide to long-term services and

support for older military veterans, including VA nursing homes, and other senior residences, and help with home-based care.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia

Alzheimer’s Association


Alzheimer’s Association - English Version Alzheimer's Association - Spanish Version

Information and support for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. Operates a 24-hour helpline every day and offers care navigator tools. They offer help through a professionally staffed 24/7 Helpline (1.800.272.3900), face-to-face support groups and educational sessions in communities nationwide, and comprehensive online resources and information through the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Center.

Information specific to certain groups is listed below.

·       African American/Black Alzheimer's Association Resources

·       Asian

Alzheimer's Association Resources

·       Hispanic/Latinx

Alzheimer's Association Resources


Alzheimer’ - English Version Alzheimer’ - Spanish Version

A federal government website focusing on Alzheimer’s and dementia care, research, and support, including resources for caregivers.

The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration


Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration - English Version Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration - Spanish Version Promotes and funds research into finding the cause, therapies, and cures for frontotemporal degeneration. They also offer information, education, and support to persons diagnosed with a frontotemporal degeneration disorder, their families, and caregivers.

CDC Alzheimer’s Disease and Health Aging

Centers For Disease Control and Prevention: Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Aging - English Version

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Spanish Version Find information related to Alzheimer's, BOLD, Healthy Brain Initiative, Healthy Aging, Caregiving, Dementia, and numerous other topics.

Community Resource Finder

Community Resource Finder - English Version

A joint project of AARP and the Alzheimer’s Association provides easy access to Alzheimer’s and dementia resources, community programs, medical services, and long-term care options in your area.

Dementia Types

NIA-UCSF Dementia Types - English Version NIA-UCSF Dementia Types - Spanish Version

This overview provides brief information on the most common types of dementia.

Other Types of Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease

UCSF-An Overview Document - English Version UCSF-An Overview Document - Spanish Version

This overview provides information on Alzheimer’s Disease, Vascular Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia, and Frontotemporal Dementia.

Dementia Myths and Facts

Dementia Myths & Facts - English Version Dementia Myths & Facts - Spanish Version

See common myths about dementia and learn the facts.

Eldercare Locator


Eldercare Locator - English Version Spanish Eldercare Location Brochure

Just one phone call or Website visit connects caregivers to area agencies on aging and other local resources for finding respite care, insurance counseling, transportation, and other services for older Americans and family members. The service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organizations that serve older adults and their caregivers.


The Lewy Body Dementia Association

Lewy Body Dementia Association - English Version Lewy Body Resource Center - Spanish Version

Works to raise awareness of Lewy body dementias (LBD), promoting scientific advances, and supporting people with LBD, their families, and caregivers. LBD is a complex disease that can present a range of physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms.

Veterans Affairs: Dementia Care (including


855-260-3274 (Caregiver Support Line) Geriatrics/Alzheimer’s & Dementia - English Version

For those caring for a Veteran, resources on dementia care through the VA and information on new research on dementia in Veterans.


Caregiver Services, Health Resources & Support


Al-anon - English Version Al-anon - Spanish Version

Al-Anon provides help and hope for families and friends who are worried about someone with a drinking problem. Members support each other in coping with the challenges of someone else’s drinking.

Aging and Disability Centers Near You

Eldercare - English Version

Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) across the country seek to address the frustrations many older adults, people with disabilities, and family members experience when trying to learn about and access long-term services and support. Provides

objective information, advice, counseling, and assistance; empowers people to make informed decisions about their long-term services and support; and helps people access public and private programs. ADRCs provide unbiased, reliable information and counseling to people with all levels of income.

Agency on Aging, Administration for Community Living (ACL)

Agency on Aging: ACL - English Version Agency on Aging: ACL - Spanish Version

Provides a comprehensive overview of a wide variety of topics, programs, and services related to aging, and connects you to online tools, resources, and advocates.

American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) Family Caregiving


AARP: Caregiving - English Version AARP: Spanish Version

AARP provides comprehensive information of issues affecting caregivers, legal checklists, information on care options, and an online community that supports all types of family caregivers. It also provides a caregiver support line for one-on-one help.

Caregiver Action Network


Caregiver Action Network - English Version

Information, educational materials resources, and peer support for family caregivers who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of older age. Serves a broad spectrum of caregivers ranging from the parents of children with special needs to the families and friends of wounded soldiers.


CaringBridge - English Version

As a family caregiver, confronting an illness or an injury is one of the most demanding, isolating things you can do. Family and friends are an amazing source of support, but constantly sharing updates is impractical and can be emotionally draining.

CaringBridge is a free, personal, protected online platform with simple tools for family caregivers to share health updates, and for their community to offer support and encouragement when it matters most.

Caregiver Resource Center OC(Orange County, CA)


Orange County, CA Caregiver Resource Center - English Version Orange County, CA Caregiver Resource Center - Spanish Version

Can I Get Paid To Be a Caregiver? The short answer is, maybe.

Cooperative Extension System

Adult Development and Aging Programs - English Version

The Cooperative Extension System is part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). It provides caregivers and advocates access to a wide range of information and materials designed to help them learn about and provide supportive services to family and relative caregivers. Topics include disaster preparedness, military families, grandparents raising grandchildren, housing, and nutrition.

Family Caregiver Alliance


Family Caregiver Alliance - English Version Family Caregiver Alliance - Spanish Version

Supports caregivers through information, education, services and research. Connects caregivers to services and support groups and has an ongoing story project, including the Family Care Navigator, a state-by-state list of services and assistance, online guide to help families locate government, nonprofit and private caregiver support programs.

Funeral Consumers Alliance

Funeral Consumers Alliance - English Version

Provides education to the public on funeral planning and advocates for consumer rights.

Generations United

Generations United – English Version Generations United - Spanish Version

Generations United (GU) is a national membership organization dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational strategies, programs, advocacy, and public policies.

Geriatric Care Managers

Geriatric Care Managers - English Version

Provides referral information to connect caregivers with geriatric care managers who can serve as guides and advocates for families caring for older relatives or disabled adults. Care managers might help with assessment and monitoring, planning and problem- solving, education and advocacy, and family caregiver coaching.

Care managers that caregivers might be referred to through the website charge a fee for their services.

Lotsa Helping Hands

Lotsa Helping Hands - English Version

An online care management and organizational tool that facilitates communication between caregivers and members of their care support team (e.g. friends and family).

Memory Café Directory

Memory Cafe - English Version

Cafe Connect Calendar that offers options in different languages - Spanish Version

Lists more than 700 memory cafés offered in hospitals, libraries, senior centers, and other facilities to help people with dementia and other cognitive issues, as well as their caregivers, combat social isolation and connect with others in similar situations. A Memory Cafe is not a place to “drop off” your loved one for a while, but a way to enjoy activities with them as a break from the normal routine.

National Alliance for Caregiving


National Alliance for Caregiving - English Version

A coalition of national organizations focused on family caregiving issues. The alliance conducts policy analysis, tracks legislation and initiatives that affect caregivers and care recipients, conducts research, and develops national programs.

National Council On Aging

Benefits Checkup - English Version Benefits Checkup - Spanish Version

BenefitsCheckUp is the nation’s most comprehensive online tool to

connect older adults and people with disabilities to benefits.

National Do Not Call

Do Not Call Registry- English Version Do Not Call Registry - Spanish Version

Managed by the FTC to allow consumers to report unwanted calls.

National Institute on Aging


National Institute on Aging - English Version

A part of the National Institutes of Health, NIA offers extensive online information on common age-related health problems, including a section on caregiving for people with serious health issues. To view the information in Spanish click on Espanõl at the upper right corner.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of Women's Health: Tips for Caregivers

FDA - Caring for others - resources to help you - English Version FDA Women's Health Topics - Caring for others - resources to help you - Spanish Version

FDA Office of Women’s Health understands caring for someone can be rewarding but challenging. FDA’s Tips for Caregivers website provides tools to help caregivers manage the care of their loved ones. The website provides tips for caregivers of older adults, young children, teens, and people with special needs. The website also highlights 7 tips for all caregivers to know.

Well Spouse Association


Well Spouse - English Version

Provides support for spousal caregivers, including a national network of support groups and an online chat forum.

Village to Village network

Village to Village Network - English Version

A national network of grassroots, nonprofit organizations that connects elders to social events and volunteer services (e.g. transportation, health and wellness programs, home repairs) in their communities.

Caregiver Abuse/ Elder Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation

National Adult Protective Services Association

National Adult Protective Services Association - English Version The National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) is a national non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization with members in all fifty states. Formed in 1989, the goal of NAPSA is to provide Adult Protective Services (APS) programs a forum for sharing information, solving problems, and improving the quality of services for victims of elder and vulnerable adult mistreatment. Its mission is to strengthen the capacity of APS at the national, state, and local levels, to effectively and efficiently recognize, report, and respond to the needs of elders and adults with disabilities who are the victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, and to prevent such abuse whenever possible.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence:

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - English Version Articles on how to address anger and aggression from a loved one with dementia.

Elders Who Abuse Their Family Caregivers & When Caregivers Are Abused:

Elders who abuse their caregivers - English Version Elder Abuse and Mistreatment - Spanish Version



National Resource Center: prevention of elder mistreatment - English Version

A national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder mistreatment.

CDC: Violence Prevention & Elder Abuse - English Version Provides information, prevention strategies, and resources.

Money Smart for Older Adults resource guide

FDIC: Money Smart for Older Adults - English Version FDIC: Money Smart for Older Adults - Spanish Version

Provides education on avoiding scams, fraud, and other financial exploitation schemes that target elders.

Caregiving & Communicating with Family/Children

Caregivers in the middle – information for family caregivers of children and individuals with dementia

·       Family Caregiver Alliance Resources and Services Family Caregiver Alliance - English Version

Family Caregiver Alliance: Resources and Services - Spanish


Books to help children - English Version

Grandma Doesn't Remember Me - English Version Sandwiched in - Caregivers in the middle - English Version

·       For Parents and Teachers

Resources to help kids and teens for Parents and Teachers - English Version

Maintaining Family Harmony & Family Mediation

·       Information on Holding a Family Meeting

Holding a family meeting - English Version Holding a family meeting - Spanish Version

·       Caregiving with Your Siblings

Caregiving with your siblings - English Version Caregiving with your siblings - Spanish Version

Caregiving & Working

Balancing Work and Caregiving

AARP: Balance Work and Caregiving - English Version AARP: Being a Caregiver While You Work - Spanish Version

Balancing Work, Life and Caregiving: You Can’t Go it Alone

Balancing Work, Life and Caregiving - English Version

Balancing Career and Caregiving

Family Caregiver Alliance: Balancing Career and Caregiving - English Version

US Department of Labor

Department of Labor: FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) - English Version

General information about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is provided to certain employees to help balance work and family responsibilities.

Chronic Conditions & Mental Health

Allergy & Asthma Network

Allergy & Asthma Network - English Version

The Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics, a patient advocacy organization, was started by a mother with children who

have asthma. Section for patients includes practical easy-to- understand and medically accurate ways to prevent and control symptoms.

American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology

American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology - English Version

American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology - Spanish Version

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) is one of the nation's largest professional medical specialty organizations. Their website, though mainly for industry, does include a Find an Allergist / Immunologist service.

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of American - English Version Asthma and Allergy Foundation of American - Spanish Resources A nonprofit organization founded in 1953, works to develop and implement public policies to improve the quality of life for people with asthma and allergies. This website provides information about triggers, symptoms, and treatments as well as a blog and community forum.

American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Organization - English Version American Diabetes Association - Spanish Version

This site contains a variety of information about diabetes from nutrition to research and advocacy issues like insulin affordability. Website also features: news, risk tests, statistics, recipes, and is available in Spanish.

American Heart Association

American Heart Association - English Version

Nonprofit organization offering healthy living tips and information about different heart-related health topics, caregiver support, and community forums.

·       Arrhythmia

American Heart Association-Arrhythmia - English Version Medline Plus: Arrhythmia - Spanish Version

·       Heart Failure

American Heart Association-Heart Failure - English Version Medline Plus-Heart Failure - Spanish Version

·       Peripheral Artery Disease

American Heart Association - English Version American Heart Association - Spanish Version

American Lung Association

American Lung Association - English Version American Lung Association - Spanish Version

The American Lung Association website provides information on asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses, ways to stop smoking as well as in-depth information on ongoing clinical trials.

·       COPD

COPD - English Version

MedlinePlus COPD - Spanish Version

American Thoracic Society

American Thoracic Society - English Version

An international medical association dedicated to advancing clinical and scientific understanding of pulmonary diseases, critical illnesses, and sleep-related breathing disorders.

·       Patient Resources

Patient Resources - English Version Patient Resources - Spanish Version

Caregiver Stress and Coping

Family Caregiver Alliance - English Version Family Caregiver Alliance - Spanish Version

The Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) provides tips for caregivers on managing their health and reducing stress.


Alzheimer's Association Helpline - English Version Alzheimer's Association Helpline - Spanish Version

The Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 helpline provides caregiving tips and emotional support to people caring for a family member or friend with memory problems. Free phone line and chat services are available around the clock, 365 days a year.

Caregiver Tips for Home Activities and Daily Tasks

AARP Keeping Loved Ones Active - English Version AARP Keeping Loved Ones Active – Spanish Version

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) provides tips for caregivers on home activities for care partners that support social connection and brain health.

9 cognitively stimulating activities you can do at home - English Version

Alzheimer’s San Diego provides tips for caregivers on home

activities for care partners with memory problems.

COVID-19: Avoiding Scams

FTC: Avoiding COVID-19 Scams - English Version FTC: Avoiding COVID-19 Scams - Spanish Version

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides information on scams related to COVID-19, as well as a form for reporting scams.

COVID-19: Caring for Yourself and Others

COVID CDC - English Version COVID CDC - Spanish Version

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has up-to- date information on keeping yourself and those you care for as safe and healthy as possible regarding COVID-19.


COVID-19: Chronic Disease

CDC: People with certain medical conditions and COVID-19 - English Version

This page offers tips and information from the CDC on COVID-19 and chronic conditions.

COVID-19: General Resources

Caring for yourself or someone - English Version

If You Are Sick or Caring for Someone This link offers a step-by-step guide to care for yourself and to help protect other people in your home and community.


YouTube Video - COVID-19 - English Version

Watch this video message from CDC’s Director for the Division of Human Development and Disability to learn more about COVID-19 and older adults.


Mayo Clinic: Epilepsy

NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke - Epilepsy and Seizures

American Association of Neurological Surgeons

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic - English Version Mayo Clinic - Spanish Version

This site contains a variety of information about many conditions from nutrition to research. The website also features news, risk tests, statistics, and recipes.


·       Coronary Artery Disease

WebMD: Coronary Artery Disease - English Version WebMD: Coronary Artery Disease - Spanish Version

·       Heart Disease Health Center

WebMD: Heart Disease - English Version

·       Stroke Health Center

WebMD: Stroke - English Version

Mental Health


HelpGuide - English Version

A nonprofit mental health and wellness website that offers education and guidance around physical and emotional well-being, relationships, and healthy aging.

National Alliance on Mental Illness


National Alliance on Mental Illness - English Version National Alliance on Mental Illness - Spanish Version

Grassroots alliance of local organizations offering information, resource referrals, and peer-to-peer support for people living with mental illness, their family members, and caregivers.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - English Version Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Spanish Version

If you or someone you know is in crisis—whether they are considering suicide or not—please call the toll-free Lifeline at 988 to speak with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.


American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)

AOTA: Finding a Driving Rehabilitation Provider - English Version AOTA's nationwide database of driving programs and specialists can help you locate services near you. If you cannot find a driving specialist or program here, please contact your local rehabilitation hospital's occupational therapy department for assistance.

Occupational therapists with such specialized training in driver rehabilitation are able to identify not only a driver's strengths but also the physical, visual, and cognitive challenges the individual faces. As a result, occupational therapists can evaluate an individual's overall ability to operate a vehicle safely and, if needed, recommend ways to limit risks.

Dementia and Driving

Family Caregiver Alliance: Dementia and driving - English Version Dementia and Driving - English Version Driving requires the ability to react quickly to a variety of

circumstances. Because of this, a person living with Alzheimer’s or

dementia will, at some point, be unable to drive. Provides tips, and resources for planning ahead which can help ease the transition.

Resources for Senior Driving

AAA: Senior Driver Safety & Mobility - English Version Learn more about senior licensing laws, driving safety, mobility, and Roadwise Driver programs for senior drivers specific to their state.

Home Modification, Special Equipment & Mobility Aids

Centers for Independent Living (support adults with disabilities by providing adaptive equipment)

Centers for Independent Living Directory - English Version The term "center for independent living" means a consumer- controlled, community-based, cross-disability, a nonresidential private nonprofit agency that is designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities and provides an

array of independent living services. A CIL provides, at a minimum, the following core services: information & referral, independent living skills training, individual and systems advocacy, peer counseling, transition assistance from nursing homes and other institutions to community-based residences, assisting individuals to avoid institutional placement, and transition of youth with significant disabilities after completion of secondary education to postsecondary life.

Durable medical equipment (DME) coverage

Medicare: Durable medical equipment coverage - English Version Medicare: Durable medical equipment coverage - Spanish Version Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers medically necessary durable medical equipment (DME) if your doctor prescribes it for

use in your home. DME that Medicare covers includes, but is not limited to blood sugar test strips, canes, commode chairs, hospital beds, patient lifts, and wheelchairs & scooters.

Aging In Place: Home modifications - English Version

Stay in the home where you’ve made a lifetime of memories. A well- adapted home works for all generations, including seniors who are aging in place.

Homes for Our Troops

Homes for Our Troops - English Version

Provides assistance to severely injured Veterans and their immediate families by raising donations of money, building materials, and professional labor to coordinate the process of building a home that provides maximum freedom of movement and the ability to live more independently.

Aging In Place: Home modifications - English Version

Stay in the home where you’ve made a lifetime of memories. A well- adapted home works for all generations, including seniors who are aging in place.

National Association of Home Builders


National Association of Home Builders - English Version The industry group offers a certified aging-in-place specialist

designation for builders who specialize in designs and modifications to help older adults continue to live at home. Consult their directory for a specialist near you.


A Guide To Certified Aging In Place Specialists - English Version

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together - English Version

A national network of nonprofit organizations that helps low-income families with free home modification and repair services.

Home Safety & Fall Prevention Home Safety - English Version Home Safety - Spanish Version

People with Alzheimer's can live in their homes, as long as safety measures are in place. As Alzheimer's progresses, a person's abilities change. But with some creativity and problem-solving, you can adapt the home environment to support these changes.

Provides tips. Wandering - English Version Disorientation - Spanish Version

Wandering among people with dementia is dangerous, but there are strategies and services to help prevent it.

American Association of Poison Control Centers

American Association of Poison Control Centers - English Version

Fall Prevention

NCOA: 6 steps to help prevent falls - English Version Mayo Clinic: Simple tips to prevent falls - English Version

Information on helping older adults reduce the risk of falling in order to stay healthy and independent as long as possible. Provides some common factors that can lead to a fall.

Information on gun safety

·       Alzheimer's Association Firearm Safety - English Version

·       Aging In Place: Older Adult and Gun Ownership - English Version

In-home Care & Respite care (Using and Finding Respite Care)

Home Health Compare

Medicare: Find & compare providers near you - English Version Medicare: Find & compare providers near you - Spanish Version Search tool that lets you find and compare Medicare-certified home health agencies in your area, with information on services provided and patient ratings.

National Adult Day Services Association

National Adult Day Services Association - English Version Professional organization for providers of adult day care with consumer resources including an adult day care locator and advice on evaluating and choosing a local center for your loved one.

National Respite Network and Resource Center (ARCH)

National Respite Network & Resource Center - English Version Find programs and services that allow caregivers to get a break from caring for a loved one. The National Respite Locator is a state-by-state list of services and assistance.

Senior Corps


AmeriCorps Senior Corps Program

The national service network’s Senior Companions program matches older volunteers with seniors who have trouble with daily tasks, helping them live independently and providing respite for family caregivers.

Hospice and Palliative Care

Get Palliative Care

Get Palliative Care - English Version Get Palliative Care - Spanish Version

A directory from the nonprofit Center to Advance Palliative Care that lets you search for providers of palliative care in your area.

Hospice Compare

Medicare: Find Hospice Care Near Me - English Version Medicare: Find Hospice Care Near Me - Spanish Version

Search tool to find hospice providers in your area who participate in Medicare and to how they rank against national averages in areas such as family experience and quality of care.

Hospice Foundation of America


Hospice Foundation of America - English Version

Professional organization for hospice providers that offers practical tips and advice on family caregiving and hospice.

Housing & Food Resources

National Shared Housing Resource Center

National Shared Housing Resource Center - English Version The National Shared Housing Resource Center (NSHRC) is a

network of independent non-profit home-sharing programs across the United States. A person offers a private bedroom and shared common area in exchange for rent, help around the house, or a combination of the two.

Senior Housing

Senior Housing - English Version

Provides information on types of housing and care and other elderly care information.

Find Your Local Food Bank

Feeding America: Finding your local food bank - English Version Feeding America: Spanish Version

The Feeding America nationwide network of food banks secures and distributes 4.3 billion meals each year through food pantries and meal programs throughout the United States and leads the nation to engage in the fight against hunger. Contact your local community food bank to find food or click here to read about public assistance programs.

Meals on Wheels America

Meals on Wheels America - English Version

National Information and Resources

Eldercare: Resources Food & Nutrition - English Version

Veterans Administration Specially Adapted Paraplegic Housing Grant Housing Grants - English Version

Veterans Administration keywords: Disability housing grants for Veterans. This grant provides grants to build or remodel a home to accommodate the special disability needs of Veterans.



Appealing a health plan decision Appeal Insurance Company Decision - English Version Appeal Insurance Company Decision - Spanish Version

Insurance Denials & Appeals

Patient Advocate: Insurance Denials & Appeals - English Version

State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)

SHIP Help - English Version

SHIP offers local insurance counseling and assistance to Medicare recipients and their families, and caregivers.

Seniors Resource Guide

Senior Resource Guide to Explore States - English Version Explore Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming.

Legal & Financial Help


Benefits Checkup- English Version

BenefitsCheckUp® is a free service of the National Council on Aging has a comprehensive online tool that connects older adults with benefits you or your loved one may qualify for. See if you are eligible for benefits to pay for food, medicine, rent, and other daily expenses. To view the Spanish version click on the menu in the upper right corner and select Espanõl.

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys - English Version

A nonprofit association of lawyers and organizations that provide legal services for older adults and people with special needs. You can use its site to find lawyers in your area who specialize in long- term care, power of attorney, and other aging and caregiving issues.

WISER (Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement)

Wiser Women - English Version

Financial Steps for Caregivers: What You Need to Know About Money and Retirement is designed to help you identify financial decisions you may face as a caregiver. The decision to become a caregiver can affect both your short-term and long-term financial security, including your own retirement.

LGBTQIA+ Resources

Alzheimer’s Association LGBT Resources LGBT Resources - English Version Get involved with your local Chapter - Spanish Version Contains information on support groups and a community forum for the LGBT community and its allies. Also contains a video on the basics of Alzheimer’s, dementia, and LGBT caregiving concerns.

CenterLink—the Community of LGBT Centers

CenterLink: Community of LGBT Centers - English Version Contains location information on LGBT Community Centers across the U.S. (and in other countries). Offers technical assistance, leadership training, and networking opportunities to these centers.

GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)

800-455-4523 GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders - English Version Standing up for equality and justice for all - Spanish Version

Advocates for LGBT people by working to end discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation through litigation, public policy advocacy, and education.

Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality (previously known as the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association)


Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality - English Version Association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer healthcare professionals. Contains a searchable online provider directory of primary care providers, specialists, therapists, and dentists who self-identify as trusted partners for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Immigration Equality

Immigration Equality - English Version

Advocates for LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrant rights through direct legal services, policy advocacy, and impact litigation.

Lambda Legal


Lambda Legal - English Version

Defends the rights of LGBT and HIV-positive seniors who face discrimination related to their sexual orientation, gender identity or HIV status, including discrimination at senior centers; denial of housing; denial of ability for same-sex couples to share a room in an assisted living facility or nursing home; and denial of equal Social Security benefits and survivor benefits.

National Black Justice Coalition


National Black Justice Coalition - English Version

A civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS.

National Center for Lesbian Rights

Legal helpline 800-528-6257 NCLR: Get help - English Version NCLR: Get help - Spanish Version

Focuses on LGBT equality by advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families. Provides free legal assistance to LGBTQ people and their legal advocates; and conducts community education on LGBTQ issues.

National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

NRC on LGBTQ&Aging: Libary - English Version

An online clearinghouse of educational resources related to LGBT aging that includes resources for caregivers. Provides information on health care, LGBT community centers, housing services and locators, and more.

SAGE (Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders) & SAGE Caregiver Resources

LGBT Elder Hotline 888-234-SAGE or email


SAGE - English Version

SAGE Resources on Caregiving - English Version

LGBT aging organization that provides direct services in New York City and across the country through a network of SAGE affiliates.

The SAGE Hotline offers peer-support. Also provides counseling, information, support groups, and more to LGBT caregivers.

Transgender Law Center


Transgender Law Center - English Version

Focuses on changing law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination, regardless of their gender identity or expression.

Managing Behaviors Common in Dementia

Behavior Issues

Family Caregiver Alliance - Behavior Issues - English Version

Aggression and Anger Aggression and Anger - English Version Aggression - Spanish Version

Anxiety and Agitation Anxiety and Agitation - English Version Anxiety and Agitation - Spanish Version

Common Medical Problems in AD Common Medical Problems - English Version Common Medical Problems - Spanish Version Overview of acute conditions e.g. constipation, dehydration, UTI,

etc. that might trigger or exacerbate behavior problems in dementia.

Depression Depression - English Version

Hallucinations Hallucinations - English Version Hallucinations - Spanish Version

Memory Loss and Confusion Memory loss and confusion - English Version Memory loss and confusion - Spanish Version

National Institute on Aging

NIH Complex Changes In the Brain - English Version

The tips found here can help caregivers cope with behaviors like hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.

Repetition Caregiving Stages and Repetition - English Version

UCSF Memory & Aging Center resource on Behavior and Personality Changes

UCSF: Memory and Aging Center - English Version Education on different behavior problems that are common in dementia and strategies to help caregivers cope with them.

UCLA caregiver training videos

UCLA: Caregiver training videos - English Version

Series of videos demonstrating how caregivers can manage challenging behaviors in dementia.

MedicAlert Safe Return

MedicAlert Safe Return - English Version

A 24-hour nationwide emergency response service for individuals who suffer from Alzheimer's or a dementia-related disease who wander or have a medical emergency.

Managing Daily Care Daily Care - English Version Daily Care - Spanish Version

A person living with dementia will eventually need assistance with daily living. Provides information on caregiving skills so you can adapt routines and activities as needs change. Provides a variety of ideas such as daily care plans, incontinence, bathing, dressing and grooming, and dental care.

Caregiver videos

Family Caregiver Alliance Webinars - English Version

Family caregiver webinars are for family members, partners, and friends caring for a loved one living with a chronic or disabling health condition. They are listed under the following categories: daily care, planning for care, and self-care.

Next Step in Care

Next Step in Care - English Version

Next Step in Care: Videos - English Version

Next Step in Care provides easy-to-use guides and videos to help family caregivers and healthcare providers work closely together to plan and implement safe and smooth transitions for chronically or seriously ill patients. Transitions are moves between care settings, for example, hospital to home or rehab facility, or the start or end of home care agency services.

Bathing without a Battle

Bathing Without A Battle - English Version

Free online training course (2-2.5 hours) that offers techniques on how to help create a better bathing experience for people with dementia.

CurePSP how to videos (strategies for people with mobility limitations)

YouTube Video: Strategies for people with mobility issues - English Version

Short videos with strategies on how to assist people with mobility limitations with daily care tasks (e.g. eating, dressing, walking) and what to do in case of a fall.

Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) Caregiver College

YouTube Video: FCA Caregiver College (8 video series) - English Version

Series of videos with strategies on how to manage daily care tasks and challenging behaviors in dementia.

Information on dressing and grooming Dressing and Grooming - English Version Dressing - Spanish Version

Conversations with Caregivers

UCSF: Conversations with Caregivers - English Version Series of videos featuring family caregivers discussing their experiences with managing common caregiving challenges.

Medication Safety Medication Safety - English Version

Provides information on the importance of understanding medication to its purpose and proper usage in order to ensure individuals living with dementia take medications as directed.

Caregiverʼs Guide to Medications and Aging

Caregiver's guide to medications and aging - English Version Caregiver's guide to medications and aging - Spanish Version

This fact sheet serves as a caregiver’s guide to medication use and

provides tips on what to do about the challenges of that use.

Videos on Medication Management for People with Dementia

·       Medication Management Basics | 1. Round Up Those Meds Round Up Those Meds 1 - English Version

Round Up Those Meds 1 - Spanish Version

·       Medication Management Basics | 2. Talk to Health Professionals

Talk to Health Professionals 2 - English Version Talk to Health Professionals 2 - Spanish Version

·       Medication Management Basics | 3. Set Up a Dosage System Set Up a Dosage System 3 - English Version

Set Up a Dosage System 3 - Spanish Version

·       Medication Management Basics | 4. Create a Medication List Create a Medication List 4 - English Version

Create a Medication List 4 - Spanish Version

·       Medication Management Basics | 5. Medication Management for People with Dementia

Medication Management for People with Dementia 5 - English Version

Medication Management for People with Dementia 5 - Spanish Version

Medicare & Medicaid (How to Enroll)



Get Started - How to Enroll in Medicare - English Version Get Started - How to Enroll in Medicare - Spanish Version

The federal health program for people age 65 and older or disabled covers home health and skilled nursing services in some circumstances, and its website has tools to help you find care facilities and providers that accept Medicare.

Videos on Medication Management for People with Dementia

·       How to get started:

How and when to apply for Medicare - English Version Medicare: How it works and how to sign-up - Spanish Version


877-267-2323 - English Version

Service Centers of Medicare & Medicaid PDF - Spanish Version Medicaid provides health coverage for people with limited income and assets, and unlike Medicare, can help pay for long-term care such as in a nursing home. Medicaid coverage differs from state to state. Contact your state agency with questions.

Resources by State - English Version How to get started:

How-To Information - Medicaid & CHIP - English Version

Military Caregivers

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

855-260-3274 - English Version

VA Resources - Spanish Version


VA Caregiver Support Program - English Version

VA Caregiver Support Program - Spanish Version

The federal agency responsible for providing health care services and other vital benefits to eligible U.S. military veterans has a Caregiver Support Program that offers peer support, mentoring, caregiver training programs, and a helpline.

Elizabeth Dole Foundation


Elizabeth Dole Foundation - English Version

Works to strengthen services for Americans caring for wounded, ill, or injured family members who served in the military. Its programs include Hidden Heroes, an online support community for military caregivers.

Military and Veteran Caregiver Network

Military and Veteran Caregiver Network (MVCN: Redcross) - English Version

American Red Cross-affiliated network of online and community- based support groups and mentoring programs for caregivers of service members and veterans.

Military One Source


Military One Source - English Version

A Department of Defense-financed program that provides resources and support to active-duty, National Guard, and Reserve service members and their families, including counseling and consulting services for caregivers.